Fundraising & Charity Initiatives
Each year we dedicate a week to raise money for Children In Need or Red Nose Day by selling homemade cakes, dressing up, taking part in sponsored events and collecting donations from the children's parents and families. We also choose another charity every other year that is close to our heart to support by holding larger fundraising events. In previous years we have hired a bouncy castle to hold a sponsored bounce, organised a charity fashion show and come in dressed in our pyjamas!!
Below are details of some of our previous Fundraising efforts.
Below are details of some of our previous Fundraising efforts.
Hedgehog Walk, 2023:
During October the children took to the outdoors to see how far they could collectively walk across a week to raise money for The Wildlife Trust. Did you know that Hedgehogs can travel up to 3km each night? Our goal was to match this distance each day. Our combined total at the end of the week was a whopping 24.1km! We managed to raise £100 which will go towards supporting the local wildlife we love. Well done everyone!
For more information about The Wildlife Trust click here.
During October the children took to the outdoors to see how far they could collectively walk across a week to raise money for The Wildlife Trust. Did you know that Hedgehogs can travel up to 3km each night? Our goal was to match this distance each day. Our combined total at the end of the week was a whopping 24.1km! We managed to raise £100 which will go towards supporting the local wildlife we love. Well done everyone!
For more information about The Wildlife Trust click here.

'Bag 2 School', 2023:
In May we joined up with 'Bag 2 School' and sent out collection bags to all of our families to fill with unwanted clothes and textiles. These second hand clothes are then distributed to countries across Europe, Asia and Africa for those who need them. Once weighed, we also receive a cheque for the donations collected which we are donating to Nourish Community Foodbank (see below for more information about their amazing charity). Check back here for the total we managed to raise thanks to everyone's generous donations!
For more information about 'Bag 2 School' have a look at their website by clicking here.
In May we joined up with 'Bag 2 School' and sent out collection bags to all of our families to fill with unwanted clothes and textiles. These second hand clothes are then distributed to countries across Europe, Asia and Africa for those who need them. Once weighed, we also receive a cheque for the donations collected which we are donating to Nourish Community Foodbank (see below for more information about their amazing charity). Check back here for the total we managed to raise thanks to everyone's generous donations!
For more information about 'Bag 2 School' have a look at their website by clicking here.

Nourish Community Foodbank Partnership, 2022:
Did you know 1 in 6 children live in poverty in our town... "People think of Tunbridge Wells, Tonbridge and surrounding villages as wealthy areas, but the statistics tell a different story. The reality is that many local people struggle to make ends meet. Referrals are up 32% year on year with the number of people receiving emergency provisions increasing by 60% year on year." Donations are the lowest they have ever been - we area running out of lots of staple items, can you help?
Fidgets has teamed up with Nourish to provide a local and easy collection point from Fidgets for donations. Our aim, with your help, is to fill the bins that will be outside Fidgets from Wednesday 5th October at least once a month. These will then be collected and re-distributed to local families in need.
Nourish publish a list every month of items that they are short of. This month's list contains the following:
Chilli sauce/sweet & sour sauce; baked beans; pasta; spreads - jam, peanut butter, marmite; biscuits; tinned pulses; squash; cereal; tinned fruit; rice pudding; soup; dog food; toiletries - shampoo & deodorant; tinned potatoes; tinned fish; household cleaning products.
We will be encouraging all the children to develop their awareness of the needs of others and to be actively involved in helping with this project, from sorting the donations to unloading the bins and helping with the local marketing of the donation point.
For more information please see the Nourish website:
Home | Nourish Community Foodbank
Did you know 1 in 6 children live in poverty in our town... "People think of Tunbridge Wells, Tonbridge and surrounding villages as wealthy areas, but the statistics tell a different story. The reality is that many local people struggle to make ends meet. Referrals are up 32% year on year with the number of people receiving emergency provisions increasing by 60% year on year." Donations are the lowest they have ever been - we area running out of lots of staple items, can you help?
Fidgets has teamed up with Nourish to provide a local and easy collection point from Fidgets for donations. Our aim, with your help, is to fill the bins that will be outside Fidgets from Wednesday 5th October at least once a month. These will then be collected and re-distributed to local families in need.
Nourish publish a list every month of items that they are short of. This month's list contains the following:
Chilli sauce/sweet & sour sauce; baked beans; pasta; spreads - jam, peanut butter, marmite; biscuits; tinned pulses; squash; cereal; tinned fruit; rice pudding; soup; dog food; toiletries - shampoo & deodorant; tinned potatoes; tinned fish; household cleaning products.
We will be encouraging all the children to develop their awareness of the needs of others and to be actively involved in helping with this project, from sorting the donations to unloading the bins and helping with the local marketing of the donation point.
For more information please see the Nourish website:
Home | Nourish Community Foodbank
The Queen's Platinum Jubilee party, 2022:
After a couple of hard years we didn't need much of an excuse to open our doors for some garden fun in the sun for all of our families!
After a couple of hard years we didn't need much of an excuse to open our doors for some garden fun in the sun for all of our families!
Children in Need 2021:
This year we took to the footpaths, fields, woodlands and walkways around Lamberhurst to take part in a sponsored ramble to raise money for Children in Need. Over the course of a week we aimed to reach the following targets: Baby & Toddler Room: 2 miles Kindie Room: 4 miles Preschool room: 8 miles We were overwhelmed with the support from parents, carers and members of the community and not only did every room exceed their targets, but we raised a massive £2,354.15! Across the whole setting we walked a total of 23.9 miles. Thank you to everyone who donated and supported us throughout the week! |
Litter pick campaign, 2021/22:
Over the course of 2021 the children began to notice a lot of rubbish being left around the Vineyard and local area. Wanting to support them in becoming more environmentally aware we decided to run a poster competition to raise money to buy litter pick safety equipment so that we can take part in regular litter picks as part of our Forest School sessions. The competition ran across the whole village and the winning posters were:
Over the course of 2021 the children began to notice a lot of rubbish being left around the Vineyard and local area. Wanting to support them in becoming more environmentally aware we decided to run a poster competition to raise money to buy litter pick safety equipment so that we can take part in regular litter picks as part of our Forest School sessions. The competition ran across the whole village and the winning posters were:
Through our poster competition and tea and coffee donations at the Preschool Christmas show we managed to raise £109 to purchase child sized safety gloves and litter pickers. In March 2022 we set up a Just Giving page to raise the remaining money we needed to professionally print the winning posters to be displayed around the village and ensure we have enough safety equipment for all the children to take part in litter picking going forward. In total we managed to raise £164, thank you to everyone who supported us with this!
COVID-19 2020:
During this strange and uncertain time we have been creating an art gallery on the gate outside the nursery to say thank you to all the Key Workers out there and to give local families and children something to smile about on their daily walks. The children have been sending in their art from home and the Key Worker's children who are still attending have been making beautiful rainbows to display in the Vineyard. We have also been collection 'virtual hugs' from families to send to local villagers who are isolating and in need of a pick-me-up through their letter box.
During this strange and uncertain time we have been creating an art gallery on the gate outside the nursery to say thank you to all the Key Workers out there and to give local families and children something to smile about on their daily walks. The children have been sending in their art from home and the Key Worker's children who are still attending have been making beautiful rainbows to display in the Vineyard. We have also been collection 'virtual hugs' from families to send to local villagers who are isolating and in need of a pick-me-up through their letter box.

Sponsored bounce week 2018:
For a week the children collected sponsorship to see how many bounces they could do on a bouncy castle very kindly supplied by the fantastic team at 1st choice inflatables (
There were also a variety of other fundraising games such as name the teddy and guess how many pieces of pasta in the jar! We managed to raise an amazing £1000 which was split between The Pickering Cancer Centre in Tunbridge Wells and the Neonatal Unit at Pembury Hospital.
Fundraising Fete 2016:
This year we chose to support The Pickering Cancer Centre in Tunbridge Wells & Action for Children, as our two charities. We raised a fantastic amount of money and everyone had a great day out. What is better than a bouncy castle, scoop-a-duck, cakes, BBQ and soak the staff in the sunshine, and all for such good causes!!
This year we chose to support The Pickering Cancer Centre in Tunbridge Wells & Action for Children, as our two charities. We raised a fantastic amount of money and everyone had a great day out. What is better than a bouncy castle, scoop-a-duck, cakes, BBQ and soak the staff in the sunshine, and all for such good causes!!
Den Day 2016:
In July we used donated materials to make lots of dens and shelters in and around Fidgets and helped raise £120 to support Save the Children's Den Day campaign. This raised money to go towards buying children in need safe shelter. Click here to find out more.
In July we used donated materials to make lots of dens and shelters in and around Fidgets and helped raise £120 to support Save the Children's Den Day campaign. This raised money to go towards buying children in need safe shelter. Click here to find out more.
Fidgets Fundraising Fete 2014:
Our first ever Fundraising Fete raised over £1800 to support four children's charities; Clic Sargent, Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital, The Lennox Children's Cancer Trust and Demelza House. We had local business stalls, funfair entertainment, tug-of-war competition, soak the staff in the stocks, a BBQ, cake stalls and a bouncy castle!
Our first ever Fundraising Fete raised over £1800 to support four children's charities; Clic Sargent, Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital, The Lennox Children's Cancer Trust and Demelza House. We had local business stalls, funfair entertainment, tug-of-war competition, soak the staff in the stocks, a BBQ, cake stalls and a bouncy castle!
Sri Lanka 2012:
In the summer of 2012, Freddie the Frog and Martha the Monkey took two weeks off from the Pre-school & Kindie rooms, to go with Emma & Alex to Sri Lanka to volunteer in a turtle sanctuary, and with local children, teaching them English. Through generous donations and fundraising we were able to bring equipment such as paper, pencils and books out to give to the children supported by the project.
The Kosgoda Sea Turtle Conservation Project aims to educate locals and visitors on the importance of protecting endangered species, as well as supporting the local community through education and promoting job opportunities for local women.
Our sponsored turtle tank even made it into a government article last year about the aftermath of the tsunami... click here to read it!!
In the summer of 2012, Freddie the Frog and Martha the Monkey took two weeks off from the Pre-school & Kindie rooms, to go with Emma & Alex to Sri Lanka to volunteer in a turtle sanctuary, and with local children, teaching them English. Through generous donations and fundraising we were able to bring equipment such as paper, pencils and books out to give to the children supported by the project.
The Kosgoda Sea Turtle Conservation Project aims to educate locals and visitors on the importance of protecting endangered species, as well as supporting the local community through education and promoting job opportunities for local women.
Our sponsored turtle tank even made it into a government article last year about the aftermath of the tsunami... click here to read it!!
Lamberhurst Vineyard
Furnace Lane Lamberhurst Kent, TN3 8LA |